Now, I do have some paper sized with glyoxal-hardened *gum* that IS
gritty, but my experiments seem to suggest that it takes a lot less
glyoxal to harden gum to a crystalline state than is needed to harden
gelatin to that state (I haven't seen this crystallization in gelatin
myself with either .6% or 1% glyoxal).
Also, the glyoxal-hardened gum turns a deep ivory color within a day on
Arches Bright White if not rinsed, but again, the paper returns to pure
white in the water development after gum exposure, even printed months
Katharine Thayer wrote:
> Judy Seigel wrote:
> >
> >
> > And though I haven't compared it to glut, I suppose I'd know "grit" if I
> > met it. None yet.
> >
> > Possibly different sources, formulations, qualities, of glyoxal... or of
> > everything else ? Or maybe it's something else in your combo.
> Yesterday morning I pulled out every piece of glutaraldehyde-sized paper
> and every piece of glyoxal-sized paper from my flat file, mixed them all
> up and felt them with my eyes shut, trying to tell the difference by the
> feel. In *my* shop, there is no difference between the two in terms of
> perceived smoothness; there is simply no grit with either type of
> hardener. I felt them with my fingertips, with the inside of my wrist,
> with my face; by no means could I feel any grit on my glyoxal-sized
> papers. The Fabriano EW I would agree with Chris feels like a baby's
> bottom, sort of dimpled and soft, but the Arches Bright White is
> smoother; it's as smooth as Yupo when sized with glyoxal. I don't have
> either paper sized in glutaraldehyde, but it's hard to imagine that
> either sized in glutaraldehyde could be any smoother.
> Katharine
Received on Tue Sep 6 09:28:43 2005
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