Also, Robin, though it appears you photographed this house w/a Holga
type camera, you titled it 'Blue Sky' . . my thoughts:
1. The sky had a bit too much yellow therefore hindering complete
acceptance of the title
2. The lamp post to the left was also a hindrance as the eye fled
there rather than on the total image
3. This cropping and straightening was done in Photoshop
further thoughts
a) straightening the house made it not so distorted or laid back
b) as a color imaged the setting of the warm house VS cold sky was
c) it is now nicely set off w/2 garbage cans underneath front door
d) both side houses only have chimney showing balancing 2 garbage
cans & 2 house turrets (chimney & turret)
e) all is now in balance and consistently refers back on itself
That's enough . . for sure.
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