Re: Off-Topic, New Orleans Images x 2

From: trevor cunningham ^lt;>
Date: 04/30/06-12:53:59 PM Z
Message-id: <>

i lived in chicago for a couple years when i was a
kid...maybe that has something to do with i
live in egypt where a friend of mine pulled up to an
intersection, pissed to the gills, and bumped a
traffic cop with his car because he wouldn't get out
of the way...i do believe "the law" refers to the
police and could very possibly be dependent upon state
law...but the fact that the FBI can randomly detain
people, even with ID, for little reason beyond a bad
feeling makes this a moot chicago the daly
machine continues, and if your name isn't on a payroll
check or a skim source, your ass doesn't mean diddly

to add a tangent to a COMPLETELY non-photographic
tangent...could you actually trust a government that
is not corrupt and completely politically correct? i
believe i've read books about this and even got the
willies when i visited a friend's family in winnepeg

--- Bogdan Karasek <> wrote:

> Hello Trevor,
> Just so I know when I am traveling in the US this
> summer; Is it a law
> that you have to present ID when asked for it? And
> who is considered an
> authority, Policeman, a rent-a-cop in a mall or
> what? What is
> considered an adequate form of identification?
> Up here, In Canada, we have a "Charter of Rights and
> Liberties" that
> says that no one, including the police, can ask you
> for ID. (Driving is
> another matter, you need a driver's permit to drive
> and it has to be
> shown but that is required of the driver by the
> highway code; but a
> policeman cannot ask for the ID of the other
> occupants of the car. The
> law is quite specific on that but that is another
> matter). It is none
> of their business. I cannot be arrested for not
> showing an ID or for
> not having one. It is not a crime. I cannot be
> arrested for refusing.
> One cop tried to pull that stunt on me several
> years back and I quoted
> the relevant passages from the Charter and told him
> that according to
> the Charter, he was harassing me because he did not
> have just cause. I
> took his badge number and told him I would report
> him. The authorities
> try and play on our fear of authority and create an
> atmosphere of
> paranoia. I dared him to arrest me for refusing to
> show ID. I told him
> it was none of his business who I was. He had to
> back down because he
> knew he was out of line. It is not a crime to not
> have an ID. I used to
> teach the Charter in my ethics course because the
> kids were always
> getting hassled by the cops. I told my students,
> Know your rights and
> stand up for them, refuse to be intimidated by the
> cops. They know they
> can't arrest you but they try and play on your
> ignorance. You have to
> stand up for your rights but first you have to know
> them, chapter and verse.
> Trevor, you say that it is your understanding that
> one is required to
> present ID, but is it required by law? Is your
> understanding valid. What
> are your rights? Have you checked up on this issue.
> Can you be arrested
> if you refuse to show ID? What constitutes an
> acceptable ID? I am
> assuming that if there is a law that requires you to
> show ID, then every
> citizen must have in their possession a national
> standardized ID card,
> the way you do in European countries. To my
> knowledge there is no such
> thing in the US. What I know of the American law,
> there is no legal
> requirement. Now what does the Patriot act have to
> say about that?????
> Regards, Bogdan
> trevor cunningham wrote:
> > It is my understanding, and always has been, that
> one is required to
> > present some form of identification (whether or
> not it is photo, I don't
> > know) if approached by authorities. My own
> amusement (of my own
> > country's political mallarky) stems from the
> contradiction of ideology
> > that the "conservative" Republican administration
> currently represents.
> > Aside from the socialist turnabout in WWII under
> Roosevelt, the Schrub
> > administration represents the most invasive use of
> government power on
> > its own people, and don't get me started on the
> budget and big spending
> > (sadly, the Republicans don't mind as long as it's
> not spent on poor
> > people). I get a giggle out of these hapless
> sheep who "proudly"
> > support this man(?) simply because they can't get
> the Schrub/Cheney
> > bumper stickers off their cars. The only
> remaining scraps that still
> > resemble the GOP flag is its embrace of Christian
> values and its ironic
> > impostition on the public domain. One should
> really understand why so
> > many of these terrorist factions are screaming
> jihad. The 9th Crusade,
> > brought to you by Coca-Cola, Cingular, McDonald's,
> and the Nestle
> > Corporation.
> >
> > Bogdan Karasek <> wrote:
> >
> > What next, compulsory ID's?
> >
> >
> > "The optimist believes this is the best of all
> possible worlds.
> > The pessimist fears it's true" - J Robert
> Oppenheimer
> > <>
> >
> <>
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.
> >
> > PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.
> --
> Bogdan Karasek
> Montral, Qubec e-mail:
> Canada
> "I photograph my reality"

"The optimist believes this is the best of all possible worlds.
 The pessimist fears it's true" - J Robert Oppenheimer

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