Re: Justification for complication in various cyanotype processes

Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 08:58:47 -0400 (EDT)
Message-id: <>

In a message dated 20/07/2006 00:17:31 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

> It was a very fair, detailed and informative mail. It's your problem if you
> don't like it.


What is tiresome is

1. that you think that that was fair


2. that you cannot see why it wasn't.

It is not a matter of whether I liked it or not; the pont was that the way
you presented the information was not fair, objective or scientific.. That is
why I suggested setting the thing out simply in two columns so that people could
reach their own conclusions unaffected by any slant you wished to give the

There is no need for a flame war. You have your reasons for preferring the
new cyanotype and that is up to you.

Received on 07/20/06-06:59:16 AM Z

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