albumen coating

Date: 03/10/06-02:51:34 AM Z
Message-id: <>

In a message dated 10/03/2006 02:51:11 GMT Standard Time, writes:

Have recently taken up albumen and am having trouble getting the silver
nitrate on the paper evenly. I don't want to float it, so I have been trying to
brush and rod coat. Is it possible to double coat using the rod method, to
help get better results?

As the albumen surface is very porous it takes the silver nitrate off the
brush so quickly that a constant flow of the solution is required. Any brushing
with an inadequately loaded brush will cause uneven coating
There seem to be two ways of overcoming this. One is to load the brush so
that you cover only the area of a single pass at one stroke. You then load the
brush again and make another pass overlapping the first and so on. The second
is to ensure that the albumen coated paper is well humidified before you
start coating..
This is on the assumption that you are using denatured albumen.

Terry King FRPS

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Received on Fri Mar 10 02:51:56 2006

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