Polaroid "Direct" transfers???

Tue, 12 Apr 1994 09:25:33 -0600 (CST)

DATE SENT: 12-APR-1994 09:13:29
I have been trying to figure out whether it is posible to do enlarger based
polaroid transfers on 600 series Polaroid without a back. I am thinking
of placing the pack under the enlarger and projecting a slide onto the Polaroid
film. When the the film is pulled out of a pack, without pulling it through
the rollers of a Polaroid back, the positive and negative sheets are seperate.
It might be possible to take the negative sheet, which has the chemical pod
attatched, place it on prepared paper and process the image directly onto
the paper, or other media by rolling a brayer over the negative to break the
pod, process the negative and transfer the image in one step. Has anyone tried
this?. I have "processed" type 50 series Polaroid in this way with success,
but have used B&W and have not tried to transfer it.

Gord Holtslander Department of Biology
HOLTSLANDER@SKYFOX.USASK.CA University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Tel (306)966-4433 S7N 0W0
Fax (306)966-4462 Canada