Once you read this book, you'll be convinced that is has the
"advantage" of being 10 times more complicated than platinum and on
top of that the prints aren't permanent...
Luis Nadeau
>>After returning from a short excursion this summer, I'm
>>planning on trying to do some alterntative processes.
>>Who out there has worked with the Kallitype and could
>>give me a little advice before I jump into it. There
>>is a new article about Kallitype printing in _Darkroom
>>Techniques_ magazine.
>Gord Holtslander Department of Biology
>HOLTSLANDER@SKYFOX.USASK.CA University of Saskatchewan
> Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
>Tel (306)966-4433 S7N 0W0
>Fax (306)966-4462 Canada