Claude Seymour
On Thu, 19 May 1994, Beakman wrote:
> O.K., since no one posted the info for Bostick & Sullivan, here it is...
> Bostick & Sullivan
> P.O. Box 2155
> Van Nuys, CA 91404
> (818) 785-4130 (between 4:30 and 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time)
> They have a really great catalog that includes formulas and working
> tips. Richard (Sullivan) also put together a little book called
> "Labnotes" which details a lot of his accumulated knowledge.
> They also offer a very fine book (spiral bound) by Dick Arentz - a
> terrific Pt printer by the way - called "An Outline for Platinum and
> Palladium Printing" (or something close to that). I would strongly
> recommend that anyone interested in printing Pt get the outline.
> Finally, Dick put together six "issues" of something he called "Lumen".
> These were a kind of newsletter, and they too are full of interesting and
> practical stuff.
> I hope this helps.
> By the way, does anyone know where I can get copies of Phil Davis'
> sensitometery software? Photographer's Formulary has it in their
> catalog, but for some reason they have not been able to get the guy who
> actually puts the program on disks to send out a new batch.
> - Dave Fokos