Notch Code ID?
Wed, 08 Jun 1994 17:17:10 -0400

I have a few negatives with an unidentified notch code. Unlike most codes "notched" into the side of the
negative this one is a semi-circular cut at the corner of the film; as if the corner were clipped off with a hole
punch (but larger in diameter). None of the films have any imprint.

I am trying to determine if they are on a nitrate base. The images are of paintings, two of which show dates
of 1928 and 29. A couple also have some slight staining typical of nitrates, though many safety negatives in
our collection were stored in contact with nitrates and will exhibit the same stains.

If anyone can give me any info on these I would appreciate it.


John Jones
Project Coordinator
Juley Preservation Project
National Museum of American Art
Smithsonian Institution