Re: Laser copy transfer article

Meri Kitchens (
15 Jul 94 08:57:36 -0600

-=> Quoting Bill Patterson 263-4458 to Meri Kitchens, 14 Jul 94 10:53:56, on
"Laser copy transfer article" <=-

BP2> Camera and Darkroom, March 1994, contains an article called "The
BP2> Laser Copy Transfer Process" by A. W. Thompson.

BP2> As it turns out, the author Anthony W. Thompson is listed as
BP2> residing in Madison, Wisconsin, where I am. I just checked the
BP2> telephone book and campus on-line directory and can't find him listed.

Thanks for the reference, Bill! I found it yesterday at the UT
Fine Arts Library. The process Thompson describes is an old one,
and it's both hazardous and messy. I don't know if he's ventured
into the same territory I have, but I don't think so from the
article. I sure would like to speak with him, though. If you do
find a listing anywhere, I'd appreciate you passing it on to me

BP2> Your work sounds very interesting. I've been considering trying
BP2> to do some Polaroid transfer prints, but perhaps I should consider
BP2> trying some laser copy transfers.

If you've never tried solvent transfers, you might follow
Thompson's directions in the article. They're quite accurate. My
process, however, is neither hazardous nor messy, and, while you
_can_ degrade the image in the transfer (ala "aged frescoes" as
Thompson mentions), you don't have to. The most exciting part to
me is that you can keep full 4-color chroma if you want. I'm
currently making two types of plates: the results from one give
you "fresco-ish" images, the results from the other give you rich,
fully saturated color monotypes. Depends on what you're after
which route you take. The next workshop I give will probably be in
the Dallas area (early October). You're welcome to join us if
you're interested.

Meri Aaron Walker

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