Re: Flourescent tubes (350 nm range)

Beakman (
Tue, 16 Aug 1994 13:52:55 -0700 (PDT)

> >I am building an exposure unit for alternative processes and was
> >wondering if there is anyone out there who has had experience with
> >fluorescent tubes made by Voltarc or Phillips (is anybody out there -
> >it's been awfully quite lately?). Specifically I am interested in any
> >tubes that might reduce my exposure times from that obtained by using
> >a standard "BL" tube. The reason I raise this question is because I
> >understand that ICP (International Center of Photography - NYC) has
> >installed Voltarcs in their new darkrooms and they are said to reduce
> >exposure times; I have yet to speak with anyone who has done a direct
> >comparison. The Phillips bulbs, I believe Phillips calls them
> >"Actinics" draw 40 W. as opposed to the usual 20 W. (they require a
> >special ballast); again I have not spoken to anyone who has actual
> >used them.

You could also look for a used platemaker. Platemakers, at least the
modern ones, have a mercury vapor UV source, a time integrator (a timer
which also monitors the light so that your exposures are consistant with
voltage fluctuations), and often a vaccuum mat. A good one such as the
nuArc 26-1K can probably be found used for about $400-$500, if not less.
I just bought one for $475, but realized later that the guy would
probably have taken less. Look in your local classified ad magazine. In
the Boston area, ours (called The WantAdvertiser) comes out weekly and is
sold in convenience stores for $1.75. Look under the heading "Printing

Don't buy one that uses a carbon arc light source. They put off noxious

- David Fokos