Part 3 of 3
To order: 1-800-828-6216 M-F 8am-7pm EST, Sat 10am-4:30pm EST
FAX: 716-442-7318
Cust.Service: 1-800-828-9859
Tech.Assist.: 716-271-8960 M-F 9am-5pm EST
Address: 439 Monroe Avenue
PO Box 940
Rochester, NY 14603-0940
Suppliers of a variety of photographic apparatus, conservation supplies, books
and a variety of alternative process kits.
P.O. Box 5105
Missoula, MT. 59806
Toll-Free 1-800-922-5255
Suppliers of a variety of photographic chemicals. apparatus and a variety of
alternative process kits.
P. O. Box 28
Cambridge MA. 02140
(617) 547-8703
Suppliers of precoated palladium/platinum paper, associated chemistry and
an address for gelatin chloride printing out paper:
Chicago Albumen Works
PO Box 805
Front Street
Housatonic, MA 01236
Tel. (413) 274-6901
-- Personal references:
A few years ago visited Dr. Green and he had freezers full of the
Haefstaengl tissues. He was the sole U.S. distributer and was warring
with Haefstaengl because they were selling the tissues mailorder to
anybody within his territory. Dr. Green sells a book hes written on
monochrome and tricolor carbon and carbro. I would recomment it for anyone
interested in the processes.
Dr. Robert F. Green, M.D.
Gallery 614
0350 R.R. 20
Corunna, Indiana 46730
(219) 281-2752
Claude Seymour
The monochrome stuff might still be usable. I wouldn't buy too much of
the color material without testing it first.
Luis Nadeau
Hanfstaengl no longer exists. Autotype, in the UK, is the last source
of gravure materials.
Ultrastable carbon materials, for color work, is still available.
Luis Nadeau
For what it's worth, and if you are interested in further details, you can
contact this group at The Daguerreian Society, CNG Tower, Suite 1795, 625
Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-3114 their phone is 412-338-2686 and
their fax is 412-563-5972. They even have office hours! ... on Fridays from
12 noon to 8 pm and Saturdays from 12 noon to 3 pm EST.
Andy Davidhazy
I understand that Luminos Art Paper is suitable for many processes such as
carbro and bromoil since it is a matte, nonsupercoated paper. It's single
weight and about grade 3.
Luminos Photo Corp.
P.O. Box 158
Yonkers, NY 10705
(914) 965-4800
Claude Seymour
Luis Nadeau has written extensively on alternative processes;
_Encyclopedia of Printing, Photographic and Photomechanical Processes_,
2 vols (1989-1990)
_History and Practice of Platinum Printing_ (1984; 1986; 1994)
_Geschichte und Praxis des Platindrucks_ (Stuttgart, 1993)
_Gum Dichromate and Other Direct Carbon Processes_ (1987)
_History and Practice of Oil and Bromoil Printing_ (1985)
_Geschichte und Praxis des Oil-und Bromoldruckes_ (1992)
_Modern Carbon Printing_ (1986)
_History and Practice of Carbon Processes_ (1982)
-- Other general books:
_The Keepers of Light; A history and working guide to early photographic
processes_, by William Crawford Morgan & Morgan New York , 1979
_Handbook of Alternative Photographic Processes_, by Jan Arnow, Van
Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1982
_Nonsilver Printing Processes: Four Selections_, ed by Peter C. Brunel
1186-1927 Ayer
_Photography: A Handbook of History Materials and Processes_, by Charles
Swedlund, Coll pubs 1981
_Breaking the Rules: A Photo Media Cookbook_, by Bea Nettles Inky Pr. 1992
_Photographic Possibilities_, by Robert Hirsch Focal Pr. 1991
_The Focal Encyclopedia of Photography_ 3rd Ed., ed by Leslie Stroebel and
Richard Zakia, Focal Pr. 1993
_New Dimensions in Photo Imaging: A Step by Step Manual_, by Laura
Blacklow, Focal Pr 1989
-- Specific Processes
_The Gum Bichromate Book_, by David Skopick
_Making kallitypes: a definative guide_, by Dick Stevens.
Boston Focal Press, c1993.
_The Albumen and Salted Paper Book_, by James Reilly, Light Impressions
_Carbon and Carbro Tissue: You can Make it!_, by Tracy Diers 1986
_A Treatise on Photogravure_, by Herbert Denison. Lyons 1974.
_Photogravure: A process Handbook_, by Gary P. Kolb, S.Ill. U. Pr. 1986
_The Hole Thing: A manual of Pinhole Fotography_, by Jim Shull, Morgan
-- Reprints
The following are reproductions of old editions currently available
_Plain Directions for Obtaining Photographic Pictures by the Calotype and
Energiatype, Also upon Albumenized Paper and Glass by Collodion and
Albumen Etc., Etc._ ,by J.H. Croucher and Gustave Le Gray , 1853,
_The American Carbon Manual, or the Production of Photogrtaphic Prints in
Permanent Pigments_, by Edward L. Wilson, 1868 Ayer
_The Collodion Process and the Ferrotype: Three Acounts_, by Robert
Sobieszak, 1854-1872 Ayer
From: IN%""
6. ALT-PHOTO-PROCESS mailing list info
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Welcome to alt-photo-process!
The purpose of alt-photo-process is the discussion of alternative
photographic processes. Alternative photographic processes traditionally
have been those that do not use the main stream silver gelatin process,
ie the printing paper that you buy at the photo shop. Gum Bichromate,
Platinum, Carbon Dye Transfer, Cyanotype, Photogravure, Kallitype,
Vandyke Brown, Color Xerox, are some processes that are currently thought
of as alternative processes.
The group should be free to talk on any unconventional photographic
process or modification to the standard silver gelatin process.
Photographers that embark on alternative processes usually have a
"Do It Yourself" attitude. This discussion group caters to that interest.
This list is run from a list processor, and any administrative requests,
and requests for archives or files, should be aimed at it Try sending a message to this address with
the body "HELP".
The owner of this list is Steve Avery (, so if
you cannot get any help from the list processor, please feel free to
email Steve direct.