Kallitype made!

Adam Kimball (afk@uclink2.berkeley.edu)
Fri, 2 Sep 1994 00:11:54 -0700

Yes. My first Kallitypes came through without much of a hitch ;-)
No terrible stains. No awful spots. They are lacking in contrast,
but my negs aren't in the greatest shape. Fun stuff.

But on a serious note. I have set up my darkroom in my kitchen, and
have been wondering whether this is a safe thing or not. Let me
list the chemicals and volumes in the components, and maybe some
chemist can help me out

Sodium Acetate 100g
Water 1 L
Tartaric Acid 3g
Sodium Dichromate (2%) 8ml

Clearing Bath
EDTA 15g
Water 1 L

Hypo 30g
Water 1L

Any of this stuff sound too bad? I wasn't planning on using the
kitchen sink for this stuff, but invariably it happened-
and I'm sure it could happen more. I've considered taking a piece
of plywood which spans the length of my kitchen counter and putting
the trays on top of this. Right now I'm working directly on the
kitchen counter- I know this couldn't do me any good.

As for ventilation. I'm going to limit myself to working at night,
that way I can keep the windows open, and use a fan to ventilate the room.

Let me know, and I'll keep y'all informed about the process.
