1) Dissolve 1.6 gr. kaliumiodide, 9 gr. of kaliumbromide and 2 gr. of
arrow-root-powder ( I guess you could use gelatin as well) to 120
cm3 of boiling, dist. water
2) Coat paper (in the magazine that I took this from they were coating
postcards) with this solution using a brush and let dry.
3) After dry, coat again with liquid: 5 gr. of silver nitrate to 20 cm3
of dist. water. Let dry in dark and may be used as bromsilverpostcards -
using an enlarger or contact copying with a lamp ( does not require a UV-
source). Pictures are developed with amidol, rodinal or some other
developing liquid and fixed in a acetous (sour?) fixing bath.
That's it! As you can see, it is very simple so, once again, thank you
for your comments.
tomi knuutila tomknuu@silmu.cc.jyu.fi may the force be with you
ykkospesankatu 1 b 55 p.+358- 41- 645723
40520 jyvaskyla
finland ps. elvis e-mailed me last sunday