Re: "emulsion lifting?"
todd smith (
Mon, 21 Nov 1994 13:33:48 -0500 (EST)
> I'm wondering if anyone has information on lifting photographic
> emulsions onto other surfaces? I have successfully removed, placed
> and manipulated color print emulsions and want to know if any other work
> has been done along this area. I'm not talking about poloroid transfers--
> I'm using the emulsions from photographs. "Emulsion lifting" is what i'm
> calling it unless there is another name for this process.
Sounds interesting
could you give us more specifics?
What is the procedure for emulsion lifting?
What types of papers work best (fuji, kodak, RA4, ...)?
Have you tried B&W?
How large of an image can you handle w/o tearing?