Re: About HCA
Sat, 10 Dec 94 10:05:48 +0100

There is a excellent book about photographic processing:

" Modern Photographic Processing " by Grant Haist,
Wiley-Interscience-Publication, 1979

where you can find in Volume I a lengthy article about hypo elimination with
several recipes.

Thiosulfate elimination can be accelerated by the use of two cleasses of
chemicals: (1) compound that act by physically displacing the thiosulfates from
the photographic material by an ion-exchange action (i.e. diluted sulfite) and
(2) compunds that react with thiosulfate, usually oxidizing it to a form that is
more soluble (hypoclorite, hydrogen peroxide ...).

| Dr. Rudolf Gschwind |
| Inst. of Phys. Chemistry , University of Basel |
| Scientific Photography Lab, |
| Klingelbergstrasse 80, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland |
| |