Re: Cross - processing

Buffy (
Wed, 4 Jan 1995 08:08:39 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 4 Jan 1995, Kelvin Lee C.H wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Jan 1995, Peter Mumford wrote:
> I'm not so sure if this is the appropriate to post this but :
neither, but
> Does anyone have experience of cross processing e.g C41 negs in E6 to share?

I haven't had a lot of success. I think that the key is overexposure.
I've been advised to shoot neg film (such as kodak vps) at -3, and
process it in E6 +3. It sounds like too much, but the last test roll I
did was not so extreme, and is very dark.
I'm interested in hearing others' advice or opinions too, as well as what
you are doing with the process... I live in a tiny closet in manhattan so
I rely on processes that the lab can do for me...