On Tue, 10 Jan 1995, Beakman wrote:
> The ferric oxalate formula I use is:
> 17 grams ferric oxalate
> 3 grams oxalic acid
> 1 gram EDTA
> 63 ml. distilled water
> I put this into a beaker, and gently heat it on a hot plate whilst
> continually stiring. At first it looks like paint, but when it gets hot
> enough the solids dissolve and the solution turns a clear yellow/green
> (under a safelight it looks black). At this point the solution is quite
> hot (but not boiling). I would suggest you try heating your solution a
> bit more. ...and by the way, I use Bostick & Sullivan's ferric oxalate
> (and have for the past 15 years) without any trouble. They also have it
> available in solution. I know that Richard Sullivan went to great pains
> to come up with a way of manufacturing a really good ferric oxalate. He
> reads this list from time to time, so perhaps we could persuade him to
> comment. Richard, are you there?
> - David Fokos
Just left a message with a funny (peculier) header on my ruminations
about ferric oxalate, misspellings and all. Did it in a real hurry. I'll
watch the thread and try to answer ny questions about f.o.
In a Warholish sense, I may be the world's expert on ferric oxalate. At
least I know something.
Dick Sullivan
Bostick & Sullivan