Re: Ferric Oxalate..

Bjorn Andersson Popular Historia (
Tue, 10 Jan 1995 20:46:22 +0100

A friend of mine is a chemist and he gave me the following formula
for making fericIIIoxalate. I have used this with great success.
The formula will produce an excess of sodium which might
effect the colour of the print. It is based on Ferric(III)nitrate
which is readily available and quite cheap (US$ 25 per 250 grams in Sweden).

It is a good idea to use a magnetic stirrer.
1. Dissolve 2 grams of oxalic acid in 60 ml of destilled water.
2. Stir in 26 grams of sodiumoxalate in the solution. It wont dissolve.
3. Stir in 52 grams of Ferric(III)nitrate, after some stirring the
solution will turn dark green.
4. Add water until 110 ml. Pour into two dark dropper bottles 55 ml in each.
5. Label one of the bottles 1.
6. Label the other bottle 2. Add 0.3 grams of potassiumchlorate for
platinotypes and 0.6 grams of potassiumchlorate for palladiotypes.

My solutions for the platinum is:

Destilled water 25 ml (50 degrees)
Potassiumkloroplatinate 5 grams

The palladium solution is:

Destilled water 55 ml
Sodiumchloride 3.5 grams
Palladiumchloride 5 grams

I hope I have translated the chemicals correctly into english.
If there is any doubts I can post the chemical formulas.

If you try it out please keep me informed of your views.
Bjoern Andersson, Sunnanvag 18E, 222 26 LUND, Sweden
Tel nat+46-143060, Fax nat+46-189685