Time & experimentation.
I've found that different papers and film emulsion and age are the
greatest variables
>2. Can transfers be done in B&W
>3. How wet should the paper be and what is the best way to "blot" it.
Thicker papers should be soaked in trays and allowed to drain (drying screens).
Thin papers can be made wet by spraying.
>4. Is there an archaival method
It probably already is. Whats the difference.
>5. What papers work best.
Subjective issue. Most work ok. Generally speaking very thin paper, vellum
papers, anything too glossy and very coarse watercolor papers work badly.
>6. Is there a book on the topic.
Yes. It is here somewhere. Polaroid puts it out. You can call their tech
support or customer service number for more info. If they can't help let me
know. I just tried looking for it and couldn't find it. It must be in my
office at school.
Ernest Scott
Assistant Professor
Art Photography
University of Illinois
School of Art and Design
408 East Peabody 217 333-0855 Office
Champaign, Ill 61820 217 328-6482 Fax