Re: Polaroid Transfer questions
Chico Seay (
Wed, 25 Jan 95 13:49:57 CST
I have done some transfers also, and agree that a "heavier" (90#)
Arches Hot Press paper can do very well. Different papers will
give different hues, mainly from the sizing (??). I take a squirt
bottle and lightly coat the paper with water and a little PhotoFlo
(not necessary) and then squeegie the paper gently. After I apply
the polaroid to the paper and burnish it, I lift the whole
business (polaroid and paper) off the rubbing surface and wave it
about, in an effort to aid the paper's drying. We have found that
most of the emulsion blistering/bubbling happens when the goo and
paper is too wet. OTOH, if it dries too much (more than 3 mins,
depending on your technique) the stuff can begin to stick. But
the most consistant results have been with fresh film, the squirt-
squeegie-burnish-air dry process, and a good light source taking
the picture are the three most important variables.
There is some good discussion on this subject in some of the FAQ
files of this archive, I believe. It is either on this list or
the photoforum list. Look about, and if you have troubles, I will
help you find the FAQ stuff.
chico Seay