The FAQ. Was: Re: Info

Luis Nadeau (
Wed, 22 Feb 1995 20:10:01 +0300

>The address I have for Phogographer's Formulary is PO Box 5105 Missoula,
>MT 59806, but I think I read somewhere that they had moved. I assume
>their mail would be forewarded. The phone was 1-800- 777-7158. I
>havne't ordered from them for several years since I found considerably
>cheaper sources for most of the materials I use.
>I looked for my old Bostick and Sullivan catalogue but I couldn't find
>it. I think they are somewhere in the Boston area.
> Gini

I think everything above is wrong. B&S are in the Los Angeles area!

When all else fails, try the FAQ. The following was posted recently by
Steve Avery, the listowner:
The FAQ originally written by Gord is still available. You may
retrieve it by sending the message "get alt-photo-process faq" to
In addition, I have just updated the archives, and all archives
up to January are now available. To get a particular archive, substitute
"archive-YYMM" for "faq" in the previous command, where YYMM is the year
and month of the archive (for example, 9501 if January this year).
To get an index of all the files available from the listproc,
send the message "index alt-photo-process".


Luis Nadeau