Re: Pt/Pd Printer's Survey - please help!

Beakman (
Fri, 3 Mar 1995 15:37:41 -0800 (PST)

> :David Fokos wrote
> >Once the
> >book is complete, it will be made available to those who participated - at
> >the cost of printing and postage. I am donating my time and effort to
> >this project. Everyone who participates will receive full credit for his
> >or her contributions.
> David,
> Sounds like a great idea. I haven't yet undertaken the pt/pd process, but
> I have no doubt that I will eventually get into it. I was wondering if
> this book will be available to people who did not contribute information?
> Do you have any plans to edit this stuff into something like a text file
> that could be placed on a WWW page or requested from the list-server?
> It sounds like this could be an invaluable resource for printers and I am
> looking forward to hearing about it.
> Bye,
> Adam

The deal I made with those that recieved the survey (by mail or by net)
was that to be eligible for a copy of the final book you had to
participate in the survey. I am currently standing by that agreement.

I am more than willing to share the results of my work with anyone who
cares to listen to me, so I, *personally*, don't have a problem making the
book available to anyone. However, I have to admit that I was hoping to
coax more people into filling out and returning their questionnaires by
requiring that they do so in order to obtain a copy of the book.

That said, the more copies I have to print, the lower the overall
printing costs would be...

I guess I should ask everyone that has completed the survey (and all of
you that will be sending one in too, you ARE sending one in, right?), how
you would feel if the book was made available to those who did not
participate. Perhaps we should charge non-participants for the book to
cover the cost of printing and mailing to survey participants. Let me
know what you think. I will stand by the whatever decision the survey
participants endorse.

best wishes,

David Fokos