>Can anyone suggest a safe way to flatten out gum prints?
>My paper (Arches 90lb. CP) is sized with gelatin and there's at least
>layers of gum. I've been afraid to flatten them out by standard means
>dry mount press) for fear of cracking and/or heat damage to the image.
>Thanks in advance!
What I do is also put a layer of sizing on the back before making the
first gum exposure. This reduces the curl, which of course gets worse
the more layers of gum are used, no matter how well the paper is
Beyond that, rather than risk a heat source to flatten, I'll go back to
the old fashioned way - 4 or 5 thick portfolio sized books on top of
the print (after it is very, very, dry) for about a week. Low tech,
yes, but it gets the print flat enough so it can be matted and, if
desired, framed.