Re: Salted Paper Prints

David Soemarko (
Tue, 14 Mar 1995 09:24:14 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 14 Mar 1995, Virginia Boehm wrote:

> You wrote:

> >turned off. We have all misplaced stuff. Lets have a no-flame policy.
> >I once saw a piece of graffiti on the wall of a train station in
> >France that said, "Lets all try to help one another." Seems like a
> >good idea to me.

> I agree. I was so startled by that unkind comment (its so at
> odds what what I've come to expect from the group) that I just
> deleted the message. I'm glad someone replied. Lets do all
> try to help one another.
> Gini

I agree too!

I would also like to make a comment on one of my response here concerning
watercolor paper. I said "we don't have to re-invent the wheel." What I
meant was there are many things concerning watercolor paper which have
been dealed with by watercolor painters, so before we tried to achieve
certain effect by trials and errors, maybe it would be helpful if we find
some books on watercolor paper and see how the artists are doing it, and
maybe some of their methods could be applicable for us too.

Somehow maybe my response sounded like "hey, why are you asking this
question about watercolor paper here?" The person who wrote the original
question actually sent me a note saying that it is not convenient for her
to go to a public library, etc....

So I just want to apologize (for the tone, not for the intent. I never
intended to say that she shouldn't have posted that note though).
Sometimes this email stuffs do not communicate tone correctly.

Maybe smileys would help. :)

Take care, all! :)