Re: Blackening aluminium (was Pinhole Photography)

Greg Schmitz (
Mon, 20 Mar 1995 19:57:55 -0500 (EST)

A word of caution on this one, unless you absolutely know what you
are doing, don't even think of trying this formula. Just my 2 cents
worth, I'm providing for historical reference.

---greg schmitz

P.S. For any kind of info having to do with metals, machining,
structure, casting, plating, etc. there is a multi-volume set called,
as I recall, THE METALS HANDBOOK. Any good engineering library should
have a set.

Wall and Jordon. PHOTOGRAPHIC FACTS AND FORMULAS. Boston: American
Photographic Publishing, 1940. pg 332

To Blacken Aluminum - Clean perfectly free from grease by washing in soda
solution, wash well, and immerse in:

Ferrous sulphate............ 1 part
Arsenious acid ............. 1 part
Hydrochloric acid .......... 12 parts
Water ...................... 12 parts

When the color is deep enough, dry with fine sawdust, and then
lacquer. This solution is intensely poisonous.

> Does anyone know a chemical means for blackening aluminium.
> I have made some lensboards for my field cameras and need to blacken them.
> I know I can use paint, but it doesn't seem to last very long, and while
> anodising is an alternative, the nearest facility is about 300 km away.
> Any ideas? or should I just get them anodised.
> Peter McDonald.
> Canberra, Australia

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