> I'd like to urge people to retain some perspective. Act
> sensibly - by all means wear gloves when handling selenium toner.
> For what a box of latex gloves costs, it's a cheap defense. On
> the other hand, I can't help but laugh at the photographers I know
> who are insanely concerned about darkroom chemistry who:
> a) smoke
> b) commute 35 miles each way to work at 75mph
> c) don't wear their seatbelts
> I'm not convinced that photochemistry is as deadly as a
> lot of people seem to think it is. Methinks it a lot a result
> of our cultural overreaction to chemicals that follows from the
> general level of chemological/pharmacological ignorance in our
> society.
> mjr.
I don't believe in ghosts, but I DO whistle as I
walk past cemetaries at night. A gentle suggestion:
Whistle A LOT in the darkroom!!! :-o ;-)
chico cseay@TUblue.pa.utulsa.edu