The time-honored question of PAPER
Adam Kimball (
Sat, 15 Apr 1995 21:29:36 -0700
I've just finished off a "group" of images which I've done in Kallitype
on Arches Plantine paper and am quite satisfied. The paper holds up
extremely well, and clears remarkably (considering Kallitype yellow-
stain is a SERIOUS problem). But, I'm dreading the experience of buying
another 25 sheets of the stuff- it is extremely costly. And- I'm
interested in experimenting with some different textures. What else
works for you Platinum people? Since Kallitypes are so similar to Pt/Pd-
I imagine our papers would agree for the most part. I've tried Cranes-
Kid finish, Platine, and the thicker Kid finish - I forget what the
folks at Bostick&Sullivan call it. I've heard decent things about
Strathmore - but I've tried the drawing paper and it seemed SO weak
in the solutions- I couldn't flip it around like my Arches. What about
Fabriano? Or other watercolor papers like Winsor&Newton? As I've said-
I've already tried Arches Plantine, Hot&Cold press (neither worked), and
the family of Cranes.