Re: New, safe pigment process

Luis Nadeau (
Thu, 20 Apr 1995 19:09:37 +0300

>In response to the plethora of questions from Luis about the "Heliochrome"
>process (to which, after five years of scrutiny, he should already have all
>the answers):-

The word "scrutiny" above should be replaced with "observation from a
distance". What has been published about the process so far, to my
knowledge, might as well be re-titled:

"The art of saying nothing about a photographic process, in 2,000 well
chosen words";-)

>I am naturally reluctant, as an iron man, to be re-cast in the mould of an
>advocate for photopolymeric persons.
>My message -to members concerned about dichromate toxicity- was simply
>this: there seems now to be a safer alternative.

To this effect, I am anxious to know what the solvent is.

>The process and kit is, I believe, going to be reviewed in the E-zine
>'Photon' next month, so you'll all be able to read about it there.
>BTW Luis, its 399 - I don't get the AP either (8-(