Re: Test - is alt-photo-p listproc working?

Luis Nadeau (
Mon, 1 May 1995 01:05:09 +0300

>No mail from alt-photo-processes has been rec'd at this site for several
>days now...
>I apologize for the test - but if I don't get it back I will write to
>Steve. As I recall there were some problems with the list last year.
>If it comes back I'll just assume that we now know all there is to
>know :*)
>--greg schmitz
> >===for PGP Key finger Greg Schmitz <>===
> :: ::
> Key fingerprint = 73 D3 91 15 96 69 74 E5 14 51 71 44 C8 ED 01 11
> Key ID: A7026B1D Key Size: 1024 bits Created: 1994/11/10
> ==================================================================<

I did get your message here.

I do notice however that I am getting fewer messages every day here now. I
think it has to do with the summer school vacation schedule.

Luis Nadeau
Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada