Re: Larger negatives

Peter Marshall (
Fri, 12 May 95 20:16 BST-1

In-Reply-To: <>
>contact printing large paper negatives
>under my enlarger (using Kodak paper) by just putting negative
>and pos. paper under a sheet of glass and printing. As a result
>I am getting areas on the print that are not sharp

As well as putting them emulsion to emulsion you need to use a reasonably
heavy piece of glass - not picture framing thickness. And of course the
base must be flat as well - another sheet of plate glass is one way to
ensure this.

Of course if you are reasonably handy with tools you can make yourself a
contact printing frame fairly easily at low cost. I knocked one up in an
hour or two which clamps everything very firimly together. Doesn't look
much but does the job.

Peter Marshall