Incidentally, from Jon Tarrant's review of the heliochrome process in this
month's Photon (,
it sounds like the emulsion (a thick white liquid) could be poly vinyl
alcohol (your common everyday PVA glue) sensitized with some sort of dye
(Activator B, which is supplied as a yellow-brown powder in a small black
plastic bottle).
The identity of the photosensitizer seems to be a jealously guarded trade
secret (consult your friendly neighbourhood polymer chemist and save $$$!
(;-) ). I doubt it's dichromate, given the assurances that the process is
absolutely non-toxic. Heliochrome seems to resemble Kwik Print re the need
to size or seal paper. I can't remember Tarrant saying anything about the
tonal range - presumably there's some need to multiple print to build up
density but I'd also be interested to hear more on this.
Philip Jackson
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 1995 12:55:51 -0400
From: Randy Hemminghaus <>
To: Multiple recipients of list PRINTS-L <PRINTS-L@UKANVM.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Water soluable emulsion
Dear Katherine,
I saw your p[osting on the Prints-l listing regarding water soluble
emulsions. You may already have received an information packet from Two
Raven Arts in Montana. They art marketing a line of "Easy to use,
environmentally safe presensitized and uncoated plates(both copper and
zinc-both photo-postive and photo-negative working), liquid photo-emulsions,
biodegradable developer solutions and touch up and etching materials."
The materials sound interesting because of their biodegradability and
relative safeness. I haven't yet tried them but am awaiting a sample packet.
Their number is: Bob Rummel
C/O Two Raven Arts
4100 River Road
Stevensville, MT 59870
(406) 777-2121
I hope this is of help.
Randy Hemminghaus
Galamander Press
New York