Re: Chromoskedasic Painting

Greg Schmitz (
Thu, 18 May 1995 13:01:12 -0400 (EDT)

On Thu, 18 May 1995, Luis Nadeau wrote:

> > Here is a copy of a letter that I wrote, but never sent to SciAm.....
> Why didn't you send it?

At the time I thought I knew of another photographer who might have
used a similar process and I wanted to check original source material
before I sent the letter. Well, I got busy with freelance work and
never got back to the letter. In retrospect I wish I had sent it
since I have seen repeated references in a number of photography mags
crediting Lam with inventing the process.

> Hate to knitpick, but I think he actually called them "chimigrammes". The
> process can be found under that heading in certain encylopedias (plug
> plug;-)
> The word was anglicized later.

You are, no doubt, correct. I got the reference to Cordier's
Chemigram process from the _Camera_Arts_ article - before I purchased
certain encyclopedia (additional plug - no xtra charge :*).

--greg schmitz

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