There is an new article on color gum bichromate, safe dichromate disposal
and comments and suggestions on Kalllitype by Judy Seigal(sp?):).
I have put in an FTP link to the photoforum archives in the "Other
Photography Sites" section. Photoforum is another photography mailing list.
Its archives are stored here. There is a lot of useful information -
look in faq contents documents. There are also a number of longer
independent articles as well.
The alternative photographic process FAQ is a world-wide-web document
accessable with an WWW browser program such as Netscape, Mosaic,or Lynx.
The address (URL) is
I welcome any critsisms, suggestions or submissions to the FAQ. If you
would like any information added to the FAQ please Email me directly.
Gordon J. Holtslander 112 Science Place
URL: /~holtsg University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Tel (306)966-4433 S7N 5E2
Fax (306)966-4461 Canada