Gordon J. Holtslander (holtslander@sask.usask.ca)
Fri, 26 May 1995 08:55:51 -0600 (CST)

I have added a section on general health and safety and summarized the
risks and precautions that should be taken for each process in the FAQ

There is an new article on color gum bichromate, safe dichromate disposal
and comments and suggestions on Kalllitype by Judy Seigal(sp?):).
I have put in an FTP link to the photoforum archives in the "Other
Photography Sites" section. Photoforum is another photography mailing list.
Its archives are stored here. There is a lot of useful information -
look in faq contents documents. There are also a number of longer
independent articles as well.

The alternative photographic process FAQ is a world-wide-web document
accessable with an WWW browser program such as Netscape, Mosaic,or Lynx.

The address (URL) is

I welcome any critsisms, suggestions or submissions to the FAQ. If you
would like any information added to the FAQ please Email me directly.
Gordon J. Holtslander 112 Science Place
URL: /~holtsg University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Tel (306)966-4433 S7N 5E2
Fax (306)966-4461 Canada