Re: gum bichromate

Virginia Boehm (
Sat, 10 Jun 1995 04:47:15 -0700

>>I haven't heard of a dichromate solution getting too old to use.
>>Hope this helps
> Carson Graves
> Thanks for this. Certainly the image doesn't develop. If it were a
>conventional silver print it would be grossly over exposed ie black!
How do you
>measure & if necessary control humidity? This is not something I've
had to
>bother about before with silver printing! I've found de-humidifiers
for sale
>at about 200 UK cannot really justify spending this amount of money!
You are right - its grossly overexposed. Try a "test print" as you'd
so for silver phography, and see if you can determine about how long
your exposure should be for the light source you are using.
