I used NuArc vacuum easel today to contact 35 mm negative onto TMax
100 sheet film to make 35mm positive; delighted with grain better than
PCF, tone better than tech pan, etc. etc. BUT, AWFUL AWFUL Newton rings.
After trying every piece of SUPPOSEDLY anti-newton ring glass in the
drawer, I dug up glass negative carrier that did cut them out,
though I had to jury-rig it (great phrase, these days!) to give adequate
pressure & contact (I hope -- will see when film is dry).
But -- isn't there something I can do to cut out Newton rings from the
vacuum easel (besides calling Chicago tomorrow)? A sheet of mylar? Acetate?
I've heard of baby powder (or maybe it was cornstarch), but am having enough
trouble trying (failing) to keep neg & glass clean.
The original negative, incidentally, is on FP4. I cleaned off some
gunk with film cleaner, which of course left its own film, which I wiped off
with anti-static cloth. Maybe that made shiny surface to cause
Thanks for any info.