1/ Denglass(sp?): availability unknown.
2/ Museum Glass (the kind I bought): filters out 90% UV light, very
slightly blue, and the manufacturer has been having problems making it.
3/ Crystalvue (sp?), made in Europe, almost perfectly clear, does not
filter out UV light.
The last one sounds the most promising. My source was too busy to tell me
more, unfortunately. If anyone wants to place an order with this
gallery/framery (located in Columbia, South Carolina), drop me a note by
e-mail please. Perhaps someone else (in Europe?) could find out more and
post it?
Sam Wang e-mail: stmwang@hubcap.clemson.edu
Art Dept - Clemson University voice: 803/656-3924
Lee Hall, Clemson, SC 29634 FAX: 803/656-0204