? and 4 x 10 point and shoot

Mon, 26 Jun 1995 15:13:57 -0500 (EST)

Does anyone have the address on where to subscribe to PRINT-L.

I thank you in advance for the info.


For those who might be interested in large format negatives I have
been having fun for the past three weeks making a point and shoot 4 x 10

Prior to this folly I was using a 115/6.8 grandagon and a 120/6.8 angulon (
very old) with a divider back on an 8 x 10 Deardorff. With a fixed back
I could not drop or raise the lens enough to center it. I did like the 4 x
10 image though.

I took two old Kodak 5 x 7 wooden film holders and canabalized them into
one 4 x 10 holder.

Built what looks like a shoe box out of binders board, glued one part of a
4 x 5 sheet film box to the front and screwed the 120/6.8 into a hole cut
in the other part of the sheet film box. Sliding the sheet film box top
out increases the focal length.

The sheet film holder sits on a ledge inside the back of the box, one side
is left open to allow for the dark slide to be removed. A cover folds up,
like a clam shell binders box, to hold the film holder in place.

Made a ground glass 4 x 10 out of a broken 8 x 10 ground glass, measured
distance from front of film holder to film plane and raised the glass this
far off the ledge by this amount (strips of wood and tape). The ground
glass is placed on the ledge, friction fit, and is removed prior to placing
the film holder in the back.

Found hyperfocal distance and taped edges of film box to fix focal length.

It is very light weight with the old 120/6.8 ( this is a tiny lens). Much
flare and fall off but it covers the format.

Contact prints on Azo look fine.

I am in the process of a second version, sturdier lens mount, for the 115/6
8. Now this is a heavy lens! (It weighs more than the camera box.) Two
tripod screws (bottom and side). Bubble levels. Curved aluminum bar under
lens for protection. It stills sits nicely on a leitz table top tripod.

To try to come closer the the correct viewing distance for this wide angle
view I thought I should enlarge the negative (to duplicate the ratio the
prints could be about 40" wide). I hesitate to say what I have done, but
here goes. I removed the 5 x 7 cold light off of the Elwood enlarger.
Made a raised base 5 " up, cut out an 8 x 10 area, placed the negative on
a black matt board cut to < 4 x 10. Placed a Just 12 x 18 transparency
viewer on top, masked it off, placed a 200/8 Nikor-M lens on the lens board
(at a 1:2 enlargement the image circle is around 325mm).

Need I say more...
