Re: Materials for carbon..

Adam Kimball (afk@SIRIUS.COM)
Thu, 6 Jul 95 22:53:19 -0700

Jack Fulton writes:

>Adam...out here ( think SIRIUS is in San Fran) there is a person by the
>name of Berger (I think it's Michael off the top of my head) who, I
>believe sells/makes carbon tissue and supplies. There is also 'Evercolor"
>in El dorado Hills, near Sacramento that makes a computerized print of
>500 year permanancy via carbon.
>Jack Fulton
> ***The eye is the Pencil of Nurture***


Thanks for the info. I checked with Evercolor about their pigments and
was told to contact Utra-Stable based in Santa Cruz California. This is
the Mr. Berger you referred to, and I forget his first name now. But
it isn't Michael. The number for ultra-stable is 408-427-3000. They
supply CKYK carbon "film" (as he calls it) for what seems like high prices.
A box of 25 sheets of 10x12 in one color (including black) sells for $55.
He also provides one day workshops for $250.00.

I think I'm going to pass on the stuff since I'm not terribly interested in
making black or four-color carbon transfers. But, if it proves too difficult
to make my own pigment paper - I'll give it a shot and report back. BTW-
still looking for some advice with current materials known to work with

Gordon J. Holtslander writes:

>There is a book on making your own carbon tissue.
>Carbon and Carbro Tissue: You can Make it!, by Tracy Diers 1986
>It is listed in the reference section of the FAQ. I have not seen or
>read this book, I don't know if it is useful. I came across it in the
>"Books in Print" Index. I think it is an amphoto publication.

Gordon- thanks for the info. I checked with the University of California
library and they don't have the book. I'll keep trying, and when I find
it - I'll let you know how it is. Though with the title - I wonder about
its scholarship :)
