Re: Cyanotype help!
Chris Read (
Sun, 09 Jul 95 19:05:52 GMT
In message <> writes:
> Please, if anyone can help me, please answer! This project is due in a
> few days!!!
> I am cyanotypeing. Everything works fine up to a point. It drys the
> right color, it exposes right. Then, I wash it (just with cold bathwater),
> and out comes the beautiful blue... but only for a second! Then, IT ALL
> WASHES OFF THE PAGE AND DOWN THE DRAIN!!! There is nothing left but a
> blank white sheet of
> Reves BFK left! What is going wrong?!?! Please, help me!!! You can just
> e-mail me if you prefer! THANK YOU!!!
You are underexposing - you might want to do some step tests, but by your
description, I would up the exposure by a factor of 4, and start there. Are you
using sunlight as the exposure source?
BTW, I have found that unsized paper gives the best results with blueprint.
--Chris Read