>production of separation negs without registration hassels etc.
>Is anyone doing this? Is it worth trying? Would I just get crud
Doing this had never occurred to me - the blending of very old
technology with very new. :-). Definately worth a try. The only
problem I can think of off hand is that you might have extremely high
contrast and have to do quite a bit of masking. The results you get
might look very different from conventional gum prints, but then, there
is nothing wrong with that. After trying to make separation negatives
the old fashioned way, its interesting to see somebody with a new slant
on it. Try it and let us know how it works.
>Roger Hyam
>Royal Botanic Garden,
>Inverleith Row,
>Edinburgh, EH3 5LR
>Scotland, U.K.
>Tel. 031 552 7171
>Fax. 031 552 0382