Re: Laser half tone negs.

Sam Wang (
Mon, 24 Jul 1995 09:30:48 -0400 (EDT)

Roger Hyam asked:
> If I were to produce half tone negs on acetates using this set up would they
> be appropriate for gum prints?
> It seems an ideal way forward as it also allows for the quick and easy
> production of separation negs without registration hassels etc.
> Is anyone doing this? Is it worth trying? Would I just get crud results?
> Roger.

Yes, a number of us have been doing just that. There are problems though.
One is DOT GAIN. Another is streaking. Yet another is contrast, which one
can gradually refine, fortunately. The inexpensive inkjet printers can be
employed to make very good separation negatives as well.

If you wait a month or two, Darkroom Techniques magazine will have an
article on exatly this subject, written by Phil Davis. I have a couple of
sample color gum prints by Phil that's truly amazing in what he has been
able to do with his laser printed negatives.


Sam Wang    803/656-3924voice 656-0204fax
Art Dept., Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0509