Re: Information about ACR

Sean McGrath (SEAN@oak.his.ucsf.EDU)
Tue, 25 Jul 95 18:12:46 PDT

>Lest we digress on the subject of lightboxes...
>Why use plastic? It is very soft, will get brittle and discolor
>in time and the adhesives in tape might cause a problem.

I agree. Glass is easy to clean, I can cut on it, tape things to
it, etc. My 2 by 4 foot lightbox is glass spaced 1/2 inch over
white plastic spaced 1/2 inch over a 'prismatic' plastic light
cover. Very even illumination. The light tubes are in plastic
sleeves that filter out the UV.

Sean McGrath - Voice: 510.653.8387
Email: sean@oak.his.ucsf.EDU
Paper: 638 66th st, Oakland, Ca. 94609