Re: alum as paper size
Judy Seigel (
Wed, 26 Jul 1995 01:43:26 -0400 (EDT)
The posts from Deborah Derby and Luis Nadeau on alum seem to have
clarified an issue long due for some clarification. For what it's worth,
let me add that I have for reasons of control coated the paper for a
vandyke brown print with a (very weak) acid before printing and my
admittedly crude pH test (Light Impressions pH pen) after the final wash
showed paper back more or less to its "normal" pH.
In other words, it sounds like we could probably use alum to harden
gelatine if we're not too brainwashed to do so.??? However, though the
alum is probably easier to get than formaldehyde, it also is on several
verboten lists, no?
And I'll add that once you get your pint of formaldehyde, you're probably
set for life. It keeps forever, as does the working solution, which takes
only 15cc to a liter of water. If it gets cloudy, filter.