>Im using the Chicago Albumen works pop. ive been using 10% and 5% sodium
>sulphate fix (not regular buy in the store kodak type) like everyone tells
>me to. i have no idea what a "silver out" test is. if anyone has any
>ideas, im eager to listen.
> kate
I would try the Kodak fixer. The "silver out" test is fix unexposed or
exposed test strips for light grey (Zone VI or VII) for various amounts of
time. After you wash and dry these test strips, exposed the test strips to a
bright light source for a few minutes. The incompletely fixed test strips
will darken after several minutes. You want to find the least amount of time
it takes to produce no change in the paper tone. This is a pretty gross test
and should only used with POP papers. There is another test for fixing that
involves a silver nitrate solution that I just can't remember. A little time
in the library will probably turn up this test.
I hope this helps,
Joe P.