Welcome to the list, and thanks for the offer! I think I'll take you up
on it! I'm currently in the process of designing a web-site dedicated to
non-silver printing, it can be reached at:
I definately could use the help. Specifically, I'd love to have some
writing on Cyanotype, Oil/Bromoil, Carbon/Carbro, and any other
processes. If you have a hot-list of sites which deal with issues of
concern in non-silver photography, please let me know.
And again, I'm looking for scanned images! I know some of you have some
GIF's or JPEG's lying around on some magnetic platter... send them to me!
You can tell your friends and co-workers you have a one-person show!
Philip, what kind of ideas do you have? I myself don't think about video
or audio much since the speed of most of our net-connections is ludicrously
slow. But let me know what your thinking!
>Like I said in a previous post, I'm very new to this list. I'd just like to
>make the suggestion, if it hasn't been made already, that a web site be
>developed with in-depth descriptions of the various alternate processes,
>with diagrams and sample photos. I could host such a site myself if there
>was no better site to do it on. In a similar vein, I'd even be willing to
>pput together a multimedia product that runs on Mac & Windows that explains
>each process and gives diagrams and samples. Hyper-links to suppliers,
>articles, internet sites, etc. Of course, to create such an all-encompasing
>program I'd need people to contribute the writing, graphic design work and
>sample photos. If people are interested, please let me know.
> Philip Trauring