Volume One, numbers 1 & 2 of "Alternative Photography Review", a 12-page
desk-top publication, a quarterly, calling itself "a newsletter devoted to
those using alternative techniques" arrived yesterday. Number 3 is in
work. Edited by
Keith Dugdale
1, Mabbotts Yard
Penzance TR 18 2TD
Subscription is 8 pounds per year in UK, 14 pounds overseas (about 1.66
dollars to pound). Checks and money orders must be *in UK pounds* payable
to Altpress.
APR, even more appealing than expected, is enthusiastically recommended --
although a bit frustrating to an outlander who can't see the shows listed.
Moreover we N. Americans discover how different supplies and their names
can be. ("Tween 20" might be a rock group of transsexuals or the mundane
equivalent of Kodak Foto Flo or Edwal LFN. Then again it might not. And
one tries to imagine what "gumstip" is. Masking tape? Dentists' putty?)
More important, we must reflect ruefully on how much more intense the alt
photo scene is there than here -- apparently.
Among goodies of first 2 issues: Mike Ware's update on Argyrotype, a
couple of items on bromoil (including a keen critique from 1907), Mike
Shorter's instructions for making your own carbon tissue (you gotta have
gumstip, though), Dennis Klinker reflecting on altphoto books to collect,
including the 1941 "Mortensen on the Negative" (which permits me to brag
that I got mine for $2!), notes on enlarging film, instructions for using
"regular" factory paper as P.O.P. (most ingenious -- can it really
work???). Etc.
Subscribing in pounds, though, entails a fee of about $5 from an
international bank. Perhaps several will join forces with one money