From: Allan Janus
Subject: NMAA Photo Fair
The National Museum of American Art is throwing a Photo Fair - "From
Daguerreotypes to Digital," Sunday Sept. 17, 1995 - in connection with
the fab exhibit "Secrets of the Dark Chamber - the Art of the American
Daguerreotype." The main attraction will be Robert Shlaer making
daguerreotypes of the museum, the former Patent Office, in the footsteps
of John Plumbe. Also, sunprints, pinhole cameras, cool new digital
photography stuff, etc.
Oops - the time - 1:00 - 4:30. The museum is at 8th & G St. NW; Metro to
Gallery Place. A good time will be dagged by all.
Allan Janus
+---------------------------------------------------------------+ :
Allan Janus 202-357-3133 : : National Air and Space Museum FAX:
202-786-2835 : : MRC 322 NASARC07@SIVM.BITNET : : Washington DC 20560