Re: Freestyle web page
Wed, 13 Sep 1995 21:31:10 -0400 (EDT)

> In-Reply-To: <>
> Thanks for the URL, but could you please give us some idea as to what is
> on these web pages. Freestyle is something to do with swimming as far as
> I know!
> Peter
Freestyle is a long-established seller of photo films and papers.
In the past, they have done a great deal of business with schools,
etc., and have (and still do) offered many bargains on short-dated,
strange brand-name, and oddball specialized emulsions. They have
expanded their catalog, the last few years, to include equipment,
and as in the poast with film and paper, there are some things
available from them that are difficult to obtain anywhere else.

I've used them several times, and have been very pleased with
the products received, the service, and their business manners.

The web page is being rebuilt, so as to what they're up to,
your guess is as good as mine. But I'ds say that it will
be well worth while to find out!

Ed Lukacs


_/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/ _/ | Edward M. Lukacs _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ | _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ | 11286 Southwest 169 Street _/ _/ _/ _/ | Miami, Florida 33157 USA _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ | Telephone: (95) 305-235-9098