Re: Autochromes
Wed, 20 Sep 95 14:12:24 +0200

Some month ago, we did an experience in a "digital reconstruction" of
autochrome plates. Some of the dyes in Autochromes are not very stable
and are fading, which results in quite desaturated colors (Autochrome
plates in good state are very colorful). If you want to know
a bit more, look at our WWW server:
The publication describing the procedure is, unfortunately, only in

R. Gschwind

| PD Dr. Rudolf Gschwind Email: |
| Inst. of Phys. Chemistry , University of Basel |
| Scientific Photography Lab, |
| Klingelbergstrasse 80, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland |
| Phone: +41 61 267 3836 Fax: +41 61 267 38 55 |
| WWW: |